Rates and reimbursements
Practice Rozendaal-Doest meets the requirements of all Dutch health insurers, depending on your health insurer, the costs are reimbursed for 50 to 100%. Read below how much of your treatment will be reimbursed.
Deductible, also known as excess of 'own risk', means that you don't get a refund from the insurance company as long as you the costs make are lower than the deductible. Reimbursement from the basic package involves a legally required deductible. For 2025, this amount is €385. You pay these costs once for the entire year of 2025. If you started treatment in 2025 and it continues in 2026, you will pay the deductible in both years.
Contracts 2025
Menzis: Menzis, Anderzorg, HEMA and VinkVink
​Zilveren Kruis: Zilveren Kruis, De christelijke zorgverzekeraar, Interpolis, FBTO and De Friesland
VGZ: VGZ, IZA, IZZ by VGZ, UMC, Univé, VGZbewuzt, ZEKUR, Zorgzaam and United Consumers
Zorg en Zekerheid: O.W.M. Zorgverzekeraar Zorg en Zekerheid U.A
CZ: CZ, OHRA and Nationale Nederlanden
These health insurers will then fully reimburse you for the treatment, with the exception of the deductible. The invoice goes directly to the health insurer. A referral letter from your GP is required for contracted reimbursed care.
Practice Rozendaal-Doest has no contracts in 2025 with:
A.S.R. (Ditzo, De Amersfoortse)​
How much will I be reimbursed for uncontracted care?
Contact your health insurer so that you know how much of the care is reimbursed and how much you may have to pay yourself. The precise reimbursement depends on the type of health insurance you have taken out and the diagnosis that is made. A referral letter from your GP is also required for uncontracted reimbursed care. I adhere to the rates set by the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa). The rates are indicated below on this page.
Terms of payment
In the case of Practice Rozendaal-Doest does not have a contract with your health insurer, then this means that the invoice cannot be submitted directly to your health insurer. You will periodically receive an invoice from me for the sessions that have taken place and pay the full amount to Practice Rozendaal-Doest. You can declare the invoice to your health insurer, often this can be done digitally (via an app). The reimbursement (between 50-75%) will then be paid to you by your health insurer.
Rates 2025
An intake session falls under 'Diagnostics' and a treatment session under 'Treatment'. Health insurers ask for so-called treatment codes for reimbursement of care. These codes can be found in brackets after the number of minutes. The treatment codes are stated on the invoice.
60 minutes (CO0563) €273,44
75 minutes (CO0693) €329,56
90 minutes (CO0823) €405,68
120 minutes (CO0953) €544,17
5 minutes (O0108) € 48,49
45 minutes (CO0498) € 200,83
60 minutes (CO0628) € 230,75
75 minutes (CO0758) € 281,36
90 minutes (CO0888) € 344,90
120 minutes (CO1018) € 478,18
Peer consultation:
Short (OV0007) € 30,99
Long (OV0008) € 89,24
Pay yourself?
There is also the option to pay for the care in full yourself, which is not reimbursed care. The 'self-payer rate' also applies if your employer pays for the care. In these cases you pay € 138,15 per 45-minute consultation in 2025. With 15 minutes of indirect time for preparation and reporting, this amounts to a consultation of 60 minutes in total. Calls lasting longer or shorter than 45 minutes have a pro-rated rate. If you pay for the treatment yourself, a referral letter from your GP is not necessary.
Cancellation policy / No show
You can cancel or reschedule an appointment at least 48 hours in advance by telephone, voicemail or e-mail. If there is less notice, I cannot schedule another appointment and I will charge €60 for the missed call. Unfortunately, no exception is made for illness. You cannot claim the bill for a no show from your health insurer.
Conditions & complaints procedure
Privacy and the electronic patient file (EPD)
I take your privacy seriously and therefore work in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). According to the GDPR, I may only process personal data if there is a legally valid reason for doing so and a clearly defined purpose. I may only use this information for that purpose. At Practice Rozendaal-Doest, necessary measures have been taken to handle your personal data with care. Your data is stored in an electronic patient file (EPD). This is an electronic system in which healthcare professionals such as doctors and psychologists safely store and process medical data of patients.
Routine Outcome Monitoring (ROM)
To measure the results of the treatment, so-called Routine Outcome Monitoring (ROM) can be used. At a number of times during your treatment, I will ask you to complete a questionnaire about your complaints. The outcome of this questionnaire is used to evaluate the progress of the treatment.
Treatment agreement and privacy statement
Prior to the treatment process, the conditions for treatment at Practice Rozendaal-Doest are discussed with you. If you do not want your health insurer to receive diagnosis information, you can file an objection. Together we will complete a form (privacy statement), which we both sign. This form states that the diagnosis made will be omitted from the invoice.
Complaints procedure
Are you satisfied with your treatment? Share this with me and those around you! But even if you are not (completely) satisfied, I would like to hear from you. Together we will try to resolve your complaint. If we are unable to resolve this together, you can discuss your complaint the Centraal Bureau Klachtenmanagement in de Zorg (CBKZ) via klachten@cbkz.nl or by registered mail: CBKZ, Antwoordnummer 570, 4200 WB Gorinchem. Complaints can also be submitted digitally using the complaints form.
Have you not yet assessed the treatment? You can leave an anonymous review via Zorgkaart Nederland.