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Hello, welcome

My name is Odyl Rozendaal


You are very welcome in my psychologist practice for online therapy in basic mental health care. In my position as a mental health psychologist, I offer short-term treatment for women with mild to moderate psychological complaints.


NEWS: As of July 1, 2024, Practice O.C. Rozendaal has a contract with Menzis and Zilveren Kruis... Read more.

    "Odyl is very pleasant to communicate with. Always calm and friendly. He is good at asking questions and gives good advice. I always felt there was room to share everything. I also had the feeling that my privacy was handled very carefully."

Top 3 benefits of online therapy

  1. You have no travel time. This makes the therapy a lot more accessible. You can plan the session(s) at a time that suits you best. For example, between work or if you have a busy schedule (with children).

  2. You will be home immediately after the session. This can be very nice if you have had an intense session or EMDR and are therefore tired. Driving immediately after an EMDR session is not recommended. With therapy from your living room you don't have that problem.

  3. Help from your familiar environment. For some people it can be nice to talk about their feelings and thoughts from their familiar environment. This lowers the threshold for help and increases people's openness. Which only benefits the therapy.

Self-Coaching Tools

Free ebook (Dutch)

For female millennials who believe they should be satisfied with their lives. But they're note. This e-book contains reflection questions and practical exercises to regain control of your life.

Free Masterclass (Dutch)

Get tools in 1 hour to immediately recognize self-sabotage, so that you choose happiness every day and stay focused on your goals. Register now for the free masterclass Reduce your Self-Hinder.

Podcast (Dutch)

You want to take care of everyone and are afraid of rejection. Constantly pleasing others, while you actually want to put yourself first. Recognizable? Listen to my podcast Odyl for Real for advice and experiences from my own journey.

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